About the race


About the race #

Cold Hawaii Ultra is a unique trail running race from

  • Bulbjerg via Vester Thorup to Agger (100 km),
  • Bulbjerg to Agger (50 miles), 5
  • Hanstholm to Agger (50 km), 5
  • Nr. Vorupør to Agger (24 km) 5 or
  • Lyngby to Agger (12 km)

by the old lifeboat road and the West Coast Trail on the northwest coast of Denmark.

The race is a low-key trail running race without too much fuss. The focus is on the incredible landscape and the trails in and around Thy National Park. Courses are clearly marked with small orange flags and five aid stations along the route are available. Cold Hawaii Ultra finishers receive a small and unique trophy at the end.

Note that the first 20 km of the 100 km course is unmarked. Participants will have to navigate this part of the course using a GPS unit or a GPS running watch. The remaining course is marked. GPS navigation is not necessary to finish the courses on 50 miles, 50 km, 24 km, or 12 km.

The full extent of the course is described in detail on the dedicated Course page.

Date #

Saturday, 20th September 2025.

Program #

100 km #

20/09/2504:30Bus departure, Agger to Bulbjerg
-05:00Registration (100 km) opens, Bulbjerg
-05:50Final briefing
-06:00Start, Cold Hawaii Ultra 100 km from Bulbjerg
-09:00Cutoff Bulbjerg (Aid Station 0)
-12:00Cutoff Vigsø (Aid Station 1)
-16:00Cutoff Klitmøller (Aid Station 2)
-18:30Cutoff Nr. Vorupør (Aid Station 3)
-20:00Cutoff Lyngby (Aid Station 4)
-22:00Finish line closes, Agger

50 miles #

20/09/2504:30Bus departure, Agger to Bulbjerg
-05:00Registration (50 miles) opens, Bulbjerg
-05:50Final briefing
-06:00Start, Cold Hawaii Ultra 50 miles from Bulbjerg
-12:00Cutoff Vigsø (Aid Station 1)
-16:00Cutoff Klitmøller (Aid Station 2)
-18:30Cutoff Nr. Vorupør (Aid Station 3)
-20:00Cutoff Lyngby (Aid Station 4)
-22:00Finish line closes, Agger

50 km #

20/09/2507:45Bus departure, Agger to Hanstholm Madbar
-08:00Registration (50 km) opens, Hanstholm Madbar
-08:50Final briefing
-09:00Start, Cold Hawaii Ultra 50 km by Hanstholm Madbar
-22:00Finish line closes, Agger

24 km #

20/09/2510:00Bus departure, Agger to Nr. Vorupør
-10:00Registration (24 km) opens, Nr. Vorupør
-10:50Final briefing
-11:00Start, Cold Hawaii Ultra 24 km in Nr. Vorupør
-22:00Finish line closes, Agger

12 km #

20/09/2511:30Bus departure, Agger to Lyngby
-11:30Registration (12 km) opens, Lyngby
-11:50Final briefing
-12:00Start, Cold Hawaii Ultra 12 km in Lyngby
-22:00Finish lines closes, Agger
Bus transport to the start area is included in the registration fee but not mandatory. When signing up for the race, it is also possible to sign up for the bus. Your registration can be changed until a week before the race.

Race bibs and timing chip #

If you sign up for the bus transport to the start area, you will pick up your race bib and timing chip when getting on the bus. If you do not sign up for the bus transport, you pick up your race bib and timing chip from the race organizers in the starting area.

If you sign up for the bus but last minute decide not to board it, your race bib will still make it to the starting area and you an pick it up from the race organizers.

Start and finish areas #

The finish area is located in

Vesterhavshytten Agger, Vesterhavsvej 2, Agger, 7770 Vestervig

Busses to the starting areas depart from Vesterhavshytten in Agger according to the schedule described in the program above.

Bulbjerg (50 miles and 100 km)
Parkeringsplads Bulbjerg, 7741 Frøstrup
Hanstholm (50 km)
Hanstholm Madbar, Helshagevej 98, 7730 Hanstholm
Nr. Vorupør (24 km)
Vorupør Strand, 7700 Thisted
Lyngby (12 km)
Lyngby Redningshus, Redningsvej, 7755 Bedsted Thy

Aid stations #

At the aid stations you will find

  • Bananas
  • Coke
  • Water (bring your own cup or bottle—no single-use cups are offered!)
  • Energy drink
  • Wine gums
  • Potato chips
  • Mini granola bars from Nordthy

For participants on the 50 miles and 100 km courses it is also possible to get 1 dropbag transported to aid station 2 in Klitmøller.

Dropbags have to be safely packaged and clearly marked with your bib number and name. Maximum capacity is 30 L. Dropbags are handed over to the race organizers in the starting area and are brought to the finishing area as soon as possible after its use.

Overview of aid stations #

  • Aid station 0: Bulbjerg (100k: approx. 20 km)
  • Aid station 1: Vigsø (50M: approx. 23 km, 100K: approx. 43 km)
  • Aid station 2: Klitmøller (50K: approx. 11 km, 50M: approx. 42 km, 100k: approx. 62km)
    • 100K: Dropbag
    • 50M: Dropbag
  • Aid station 3: Vorupør (50K: approx. 26 km, 50M: approx. 57 km, K: approx. 77km)
  • Aid station 4: Lyngby (24 km, approx. 12 km, 50K: approx. 38 km, 50M: approx. 70 km, 100K: ca 90 km)
  • Finish line: Vesterhavshytten Agger
    • A burger menu from Vesterhavshytten

The exact location of all the aid stations and be found on the map on the Course page.

Supporters are only allowed to assist at the official aid stations. Participants may have company 1 kilometer before and after the aid stations. Pacers or supporters outside of the aid station zones are not allowed.

Equipment and safety #

It is mandatory for participants on the 50 km, 50 miles, and 100 km courses to carry the following equipment at all times:

  • 1 wind-proof jacket
  • 1 buff or beanie
  • Bottles or a drinking system with a capacity of minimum 1.5 L. No single-use cups are offered at the aid stations.
  • Extra energy and food
  • 1 cellphone
  • First aid kit: at the minimum a compress dressing and sports tape
  • 50 miles and 100 km: headlamp
  • 100 km: GPS unit or watch

For participants on the 24 km course it is mandatory to bring a bottle or drinking system with a capacity of minimum 0.5 L. No single-use cups are offered at the aid station.

For participants doing the 12 km course there are no mandatory equipment requirements.

We strongly advice all participants to check the weather forecast and dress accordingly. The race area is remote and vehicle access is limited. You should prepare for having to wait a while for help to reach you should the need arise.

A headlamp is necessary for participants on the 50 miles and 100 km courses. The sun rises at around 07:00 and sets at 19:30.

For participant on the 100 km course it is strictly necessary to use a GPS unit for navigation on the first unmarked 20 km. Both dedicated GPS units or GPS watches are permitted. A unit without a background map is sufficient, but we recommend bringing a backup unit with a background map, e.g., a cellphone.

As a backup unit we recommend the app Topo GPS which is available for both Android and iOS. The app allows you to import a GPX file and offers offline topographic maps of Denmark for DKK 29.

GPX files for all courses are found on the Course page.

Course closure and cutoffs #

All courses close at 22:00. Participants arriving after this time will be disqualified.

The following cutoffs are enforced for all participants.

  • Aid station 0 (Bulbjerg): 09:00
  • Aid station 1 (Vigsø): 12:00
  • Aid station 2 (Klitmøller): 16:00
  • Aid station 3 (Nr. Vorupør): 18:30
  • Aid station 4 (Lyngby): 20:00

Registration fees #

  • 100 km
    • before 15th August: DKK 650,-
    • after 15th August: DKK 850,-
  • 50 miles
    • before 15th August: DKK 600,-
    • after 15th August: DKK 800,-
  • 50 km
    • før 15th August: DKK 450,-
    • after 15th August: DKK 600,-
  • 24 km: DKK 375,-
  • 12 km: DKK 275,-

Organizers #

Cold Hawaii Ultra is organized by

Registration #

The registration for Cold Hawaii Ultra 2025 opens 1st November 2024 at 18:00.